Restaurants in Vienna

This are our recommendations for restaurants in Vienna:


Cafe Goldegg, Argentinierstraße 49, 1040 Wien.

The cafe is traditional Viennese and within walking distance to the apartments.

Exit the apartment and turn right, walk two blocks until "Argentinierstraße".

Walk down the "Argentinierstraßé" (Street) for two blocks and you will stand right

in front of it.


Figlmüller Lugeck: Lugeck 4, 1010 Wien

one of the best restaurants for Austrian food.

Take Tram No 18 towards "Burggasse-Stadthalle U" and exit at the main train Station ( Hauptbahnhof )

Switch to the underground U1 towards "Leopoldau" and exit at "Schwedenplatz"

Walk westwards until the Street "Rotenturmstraße", enter it and walk Schwedenplatz 372 m.

At a small plaza on your left-hand side, you will find the restaurant.



Impressum / AGB